Whether you’re a first-timer or a pro tournament hopper, preparing for a forthcoming Golf tournament is a daunting task. And if you’re looking to put your game on the fast track, preparation for the game must be planned well ahead of time.

So, the next logical question is – ‘How do you do it’? There are a plethora of factors that can influence your game – the Golf course conditions, the weather or even your mental state. 

We give you a ringside view of how to garner success by preparing for a major Golf tournament.


1)    Evaluate the Golf course well

To prepare for a major tournament, evaluate the Golf course well

The first and foremost thing that can give you success in your game is how well you know the Golf course. It’s imperative to study the Golf course well before you take on your major game.    

Ensure that you book a practice round at the host course a few days before the tournament. Here’s what you should do: 


2)    Focus on mental preparation 


To prepare for a major tournament, it's imperative to focus on mental preparation


Focussing on your mental preparation is as crucial as evaluating the Golf course. Although your shots remain moderately persistent, lack of concentration, even for a second, can turn an outrightly easy hole into a tough one.

While you can enhance your shots on a practice range, you gradually improve your mental confidence as you participate in more tournaments. Here are some tips you should follow: 


a)    When you’re stuck in a trying situation, such as choosing between taking a penalty or rescuing an unplayable, you may be tempted to go for the risky shot. However, it’s a lot less demanding to take a one-stroke penalty and hit from a location that provides relief. While taking the penalty will ease the condition of your next shot, trying to rescue your ball could cost you multiple shots.

b)    Keeping your opponent’s score prompts you to compare his or her progress with your own. Avoid adding up your opponent’s score and instead measure your progress with either your performance during the practice round or your average score. As a result, your own game won’t be influenced by the level of your opponent and will remain consistent no matter who you’re playing against.


3)    Eat and Drink Right 


To prepare for a major tournament, eating and drinking right is essential


Getting plenty of rest as well as eating and drinking right play a momentous role in preparing for a Golf Tournament.  Food and drink are indispensable to our diets, but the right ones in the right quantity are even more critical to getting optimal performance during the big event. 


Allowing your body get armed with the right nutrients can help you sustain your mental focus and physical energy in those crucial situations when you need it. Leading up to the day(s), stick to lean meats and seafood that are high in protein, low or moderate in carbs, and low in fat for your larger, sit-down meals. For breakfast and snacks, vitamin rich fruits and vegetables are great to keep your body full of important nutrients.


Keep caffeine drinks and alcohol at bay! Save them for the victory merriment! While adding the items previously mentioned to your diet are beneficial, overeating is just as important. Don’t overload yourself going into the big day. 


To sum it up, it’s imperative to plan ahead before any major Golf Tournament. Keep in mind to map out a game plan that you can manage. Evaluate the Golf course well in advance even if you’ve played it a dozen times in the past and know the intricacies that all golf courses are known for developing over time.


But don’t overdo your practice time or workouts because you need the proper amount of rest in order to be fresh and charged up when the day arrives. And when you feel like your body or nerves are starting to get tested in the first 1/3 of the round, take a deep breath, take a minute to relax. Gather yourself prior to that next tee shot or your second shot, and refresh yours.