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I fully agree. The green fees is very high. REGARDS. Lt Col Sanjay Singh, VSM
LG needs to be requested by all to create public pressure for being reasonable in increasing the fee.
Ashok sir, totally agree with you on this. we have been talking about aam everyday. still there are lot of golfers for whom 1200 bucks is a lot especially when they get time only on weekends to play. we need to raise our voice against this unnecessary hike in the green fees.
As an avid golfer .. I agree with the concerns of ashokji and other PAY-play golfers... however, at Rs. 1200 (on weekends) Qutab golf course is still 50% cheaper than any other course in Delhi and NCR ... DGC is around Rs.3000+ .. Army golf course is Rs.2000+ ... Air force is Rs. 1500 ... pvt. courses are above Rs. 4500+ ... most courses in B & C towns, which are open for public are above Rs. 1000 ... But, yes.. and bigger hole is a golfers pocket now. .. Interestingly, even I don't know what is a public golf course and what is not .. specially when MOST allow walk-ins ... :-)
Completely support you on the matter Ashok Sir, What's a Public Golf Course when your costs are as high as the Snobbish Private Courses in and around Delhi-NCR! And pay 1200 for QGC, not a chance! They've been cheating public in charging exhorbitant prices for simple goods provided in the Tuck Shops on the course and now they want to charge fees on a golf course that does not see any maintenance and local officials who hardly know what Golf is all about bullying their way in. Pathetic.
Ravi, Collectively we have to create inordinate pressure on these Powers to be to get this reversed
Sir, the members fee was increased three folds with no justification. we protested and sent appeals to DDA and the LG. NO RESPONSE