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Hello Golfers!!
Since I am a teaching professional and this is my first weekly tip, I thought it important to explain the role of a coach not only for adult but also junior golfers as well. I thought this would be an ideal tip to put in perspective the remaining ones that will follow over the next few weeks.
You can spend your whole life practicing, but are you sure that you are practicing the right technique?
Hi Anjali, my kid has been playing golf for the last one year. though he has a good swing and hits the ball very well he is lacking in interest. he has a good knowledge of the shots but there is lack of application. would u be kind enough to give a few tips on how to go about it . thx.
Dear Mr. Atul, Hi, Pls give me a couple of days. I will find out the info for your daughter & give u a call asap. Take care.
Ur tip sure makes sense. My daughter (13 yrs old) too has a flair for the game & has been playing for last two yrs. But there's no scope of growth for children where presently I am(Bhopal). Whom should I contact to get a good coach for her & how should I go about making her compete in the circuit? Pl help. Atul (Mob - 9179041466).
Hey Anj.. Was nice to read your tip. Makes a lot of sense. The advice to parents is also appropriate as I have seen so many kids develop a hatred to the sport because of parental pressure. Looking forward to reading more :)