One look at your child as he saddles up next to his computer or video game and you have to wonder about the culture gap that exists between kids and adults today.
The game of golf presents parents with a wonderful chance to break their kids away from technology and spend quality time with their child while being able to teach them valuable life lessons.

Some say golf is too hard. But, while the game is difficult, its difficulty is also one of its great teaching components - being good at anything in life, requires practice and patience.
And a self-governing sport like golf teaches kids the difference between right and wrong when they are faced with a difficult situation, and that being truthful even when others aren’t looking is always the best road to take - on the course and in life.
With each grand success and heartbreaking failure in this game there is a lesson learned. Humility, perseverance, grace and dignity are a few.

It’s the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat that teach young players how to properly deal with others when it comes to winning and losing. And after dumping a ball in the water or lacing one out of bounds, it takes courage and fortitude to come back and tee it up again.
It makes the first big drive, birdie, chip-in and – if you are lucky – your first hole-in-one that much sweeter. The look of pride and sense of accomplishment that rests on your child’s face after that big shot is indescribably fantastic.
Possibly most important of all are the memories that are created every time you and your kids lace up the spikes and go out to the links together. As they get older, they’ll begin to respect the game for its beauty and its imperfections and will hold it dear because they remember playing with you.